Team Left Hand
Team Left Hand is a group of employees and friends dedicated to solving the riddle that is Multiple Sclerosis. Since 2008, we have raised over $6 Million and won't stop riding or fundraising until MS stands for Mystery Solved.
We hope you'll consider joining us to raise funds & awareness for the millions of people around the world who are fighting this disease today.
Left Hand Brewing is a proud National Bike MS Sponsor with supported teams participating in several rides across the country. Our 2022 plans include Team Left Hand's 15th ride in Colorado, 10th season in the Carolinas, 9th ride in Florida, 8th ride in Ohio, 7th ride in Texas, and 6th ride in Los Angeles, California, with our newest teams, in Washington State and Delaware, participating in their 3rd seasons.
Get Involved
We are always looking for people to join us in our efforts to #CrushMS! Riders, Virtual Riders, Volunteers and Sponsors all have a place on our team!
Learn more about our team